Conoce al Dr.. ver

Dr. Michael Siew nació y creció en Seattle., Washington. Como hijo de dos dentistas., quería seguir sus pasos. Se graduó summa cum laude con una licenciatura en Neurobiología en la Universidad de Washington.. Permaneció en la Universidad de Washington para estudiar odontología., donde fue incluido en Omicron Kappa Upsilon. He was also awarded the Earl C. Maston Scholarship and the International College of Dentists Frank Burns Guthrie Memorial Scholarship. Prior to joining OMS residency, he completed a one-year internship in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. He graduated from UT Health Sciences Center, San Antonio, where he obtained his MD degree and OMS certificate. This also includes finishing a one-year internship in general surgery. His clinical interests are trauma, cirugía ortognática, and dental implant surgery. En su tiempo libre, Dr. Siew enjoys golfing, biking, trying new foods, and traveling with his wife.